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Are Your Decisions Effecting the Future?

1899. New York. Lower Manhattan.

A group of "Newsies"(newspaper salesmen) were mad as hornets and itching for a fight. They're pay was cut (in a sense) and they were barely making pennies to begin with. So, without a union, they decided to go on strike. Long story short, they won and triumphed against the richest and most powerful men in New York at the time: William Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer - the owners of the New York World and Journal newspapers. The result? The child labor laws that kept children from being worked to death in mines or other such places. These laws are still in effect today.

So, the conclusion? What impact will your decisions make? Will they be good, or bad? Will they help you, or hinder you? Next time you are making any decision - LARGE or small - think of the newsies. They have quite a "poisinality."

To learn about the movie Disney made about the event, click the link below!


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