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A Meditation on Christ

The following is a meditation on Christ and His work I wrote while on top of a mountain. 

  The fog blanketed the mountainside. It slowly glided along discreetly covering the beauties of the glorious sky behind. The mountains looked as if huge waves had frozen and crystallized, growing tress and grass. The paths gently curved through the slopes, smoothly creating a pass looking as if a large snake had melodically slid through the hills, and left his tracks. 

It was on this day when I sat on the edge of a cliff, considering many things. “The mountains are incredible when you just sit there and take in the view, a masterpiece painted by only my God.” I pondered the way He has created me.

He created me a man, a creative mind, and a servant. But why? Why would God give me the unbelievable responsibility of being a Godly man that stands up for truth, leads well, and will give down his life for others? Such a title is not fitting for someone of my character. Timid, inward focused, and moody. Why would God do this? 

Why did God give me a creative mind? Why do I love telling stories? Why did He give me that gift? I don‘t continually have the desire to express my relationship with God in my writing, and it’s typically a frivolous use of time used for entertainment and passivity. Why did God give me a passion for stories? 

Why did God make me a servant? I don’t embrace that title. Often I am too self centered and lazy. When difficulty comes, I shy away, looking for any excuse to avoid the task at hand.

What is the duty of a servant? What is the duty of a creative mind? What is a duty of a Godly man? 

Why would Christ die for a sinner just as myself? Wouldn’t He know that although I have the gift of salvation, I still live in my self-centered ways? How could he love me that much? What’s there to love? 

As I meditated on these things, I heard a voice.

“Hudson, you are my treasured and precious creation, It’s my desire to save you.”

“But God, I keep messing up. I can’t do this right. There's nothing to love.”

again I heard God say, “you are my treasured and precious creation, It’s my desire to save you.”

I paused.

“But I can’t live out my life fully honoring you and being your commandments.”

“It’s not by your power, Hudson, in yourself, but it’s through the grace I give you, and the faith you put in Me by which I save you.”

“Then you have equipped me for everything I need, God?”

“Yes, you have all the tools to live life in Godliness because of the grace I give you, and the Faith you put in Me to save you.”

“But how do I get the strength to live with courage, strength, and a desire to see others saved?”

“Ask and trust.”

“But how do I stay focused you while I’m creating things for man?”

“Ask and trust.”

“But how do I overcome my selfish desires and sin?”

“Ask and trust, ask and trust.”

It wasn’t in what I could do, but it was fully through Christ and His work on the cross. 

The fog had cleared up, the mountains still glistened with majestic beauty, and pine tress stood stone still. 

“Ask and trust.” It’s simple, yet very complex.

Perfection will never exist, God is always touching on things that need sanctification within my heart, and that will continue for the rest of my time here on earth. But there is one thing that I can always count on; it’s not by my efforts, but faith in Christ that I am saved. He has loved me, and equipped me for all I need to do to live the Christian life. 

Praise the Lord.

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