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A Better Future, Way Above Ground!

There is a Game out there made by Bethesda called Fallout (1, 2, Tactics, 3, New Vegas, 4, 4-VR, 76, you get the picture.) that follows the story line of a post-nuclear/apocalyptic America. You play as a character that emerges from a "Vault" (underground bunker) to try to survive, make friends, vanquish foes, and ultimately rebuild America. Heroic stuff, right? One of the catch-phrases of the game is: "A better future - underground!" People say this as they think into the future to the impending doomsday (which is not promised, but unavoidable), when they will run to the safety of the Vaults and dwell there until the radiation settles. Then, they will emerge to reclaim their land - the USA!!!

Okay, what is my point in sharing this with you? Well, many of us look forward to the next big thing. The trade war. The eminent EMT attack that tons of us were convinced were going to fry all of our electronics three-ish years ago. That math test next week. We forget often that the immediate danger (or perceived danger) isn't what we should be focusing on. This too shall pass. After that, what then?

One day, the world will be punished. Not with atomic bombs, but with real, honest to goodness fire. Heavenly fire. At that time, we'll all be with Jesus, and I can't wait! Are you focusing on that one day that faith shall be made sight?

I hope so!

Be blessed,

Malaki S.

(PS: Always remember - God made you S.P.E.C.I.A.L., and he loves you very much!)

You and your faithful pal

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